A little explanation

There are times when I need to get my thoughts in words but not necessarily to find a “home” for them in an opinion section, and not to face the spirit-crushing experience of hearing editors passing judgment on what I have to say. This is that home instead, and I’m not always looking to reach the world each time. Sure, my email is on the website, and that level of public exposure has meant a new influx of pitches from publicists along the lines of “Lions Suffer because of Bureaucratic Uncertainty.” I haven’t read the email, but I’m kind of imagining a lone line of bored lions waiting to fill out their residency applications to Krueger National Park or something.

Or the pitch that recently explained, “We have some very exciting, sustainability-centric product launch news coming up and would love to share details on the fascinating R&D process. Possible to agree to hold the news until Thursday, April 18th at 9am EST?” I enjoyed the underlining, the marketing jargon, and the embargo — all clearly part of the publicist playbook. But nope, I don’t even know what this product is but I don’t want anyone to “share details” with me.

But for everyone else, you are welcome to read. As I did in China with my blog NotbyOccident, I sometimes just need a place to do some venting, some observations, and whatever else inspires me. I hope it does occasionally lead to other sorts of writing, but, like my cat lazing on our bed, it can also just be.

Here is the queen of Just Being.

Here is the queen of Just Being.